Connected Currents: How it Started

Professional Association of Canadian Theatres
On Zoom
Connected Currents is a virtual gathering space reserved for early and mid-career IBPOC theatre administrators and managers.
Between January and May 2025, PACT will host four Connected Currents gatherings centered around a series of guest speakers. Each gathering will offer emerging and mid-career IBPOC arts administrators food for thought on current hot topics in the theatre sector, as well as opportunities to foster national connections.
The first session Connected Currents: How It Started will take place Monday, January 13, 2025, from 3 – 5 pm ET and will feature guest speaker Kevin Ormsby, who will speak about the history of non-profit arts institutions in Canada, followed by a Q & A. The initiative will also introduce a pen pal program for administrators who are interested in connecting and collaborating across geographic distance.